So as of last week, I am officially 13 Months on T. I was 1 year on July 25th. What all has happened in the past year, you may ask. Well, I will tell you. MY wife and I bought a house. Yeah her dad technically bought it and it's a trailer, but it's better than living on the street. Our dog is in training to be a certified service dog. He is almost finished with his basic obedience. After that, we just have to get him training for his job and get him certified with the CGC (Canine Good Citizen). My wife and I had our 1 year wedding anniversary and are planning a vow renewal in February (depending on finances, it might end up being on our 2 year anniversary in July instead). This is mainly so it can be closer to our religious beliefs and so that more people can attend that weren't able to last year. I am once again jobless. I had one for about 4 months, but I lost it in April. My wife won her case with disability. We are just waiting to get the settlement. I got my gender marker changed with Social Security just last month or so. As far as changes from the T, here is what has changed. First and foremost, my voice is a lot deeper. It sucks because I can't sing like I used to. But on the other hand, I sound more masculine. So, it's kind of bittersweet. I will do a vlog hopefully soon to show you all. My facial hair started to come in at about 3 months, but now it's finally starting to come in on my mustache. Not much, but it's a start. I'll include pics. Lots of acne (including backne). But it's getting better. My body hair is a lot thicker and more noticeable. I have a lot of it on my belly now. I even have some on my chest. And of course, there is the clit growth. I can definitely tell when I get erect now. Sorry if that is TMI for some. That's pretty much it. I will try to post some vlogs soon. Seeya!