Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rant about Jobs

So, I've been trying to get a job. No dice. I tried applying at Deseret Industries, and they flat out told me they werent hiring, after giving me an interview. WTF?! If youre not hiring, dont interview people! It gives them the wrong impression! What kind of world are we living in here? I mean, arent we supposed to help one another? Isn't that what GOD tells us to do? Yeah, I'm bringing Him into this. Because a life without him, simply put, would be more boring and too friggin easy. I mean yeah, I get that this is supposed to be "a test", but sheesh! I think I have passed already so stop friggin testing me and give me my reward already! URRGH!


I created a new ChipIn account. I would appreciate any and all donations to my transition!